I wake up every day thankful to live in such an incredible place. Sometimes, I feel like I have a hard time capturing the magic that is Maine. I think that's because so much is to be found in the enchantment experienced in the smallest of moments.
It’s not the “epic” landscapes you find in other parts of the world. It’s the alignment of elements that bring to play all of the senses in the most beautiful way. Moments where time feels like it’s standing still.. Sometimes, those moments are fleeting and all I can do is be present and take it all in, in complete awe. And sometimes, I’m able to capture it.
It’s the quiet fog rolling through. The sound of distant crashing waves. The scent of pine. It’s the glimpses of magic during your drive to the grocery store. Golden hour on that beautiful, old New England colonial. It’s entering a thick fog on your drive back home. Sipping coffee in the early morning hours, watching the lobster boats and sailboats pass by.
Living in Maine has helped me realize that you don’t need "epic" landscapes to experience beauty. There is magic and beauty all around us — even in the simplest moments. I will continue capturing the magic that is Maine, always in hopes of doing it some form of justice.
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! I’m looking forward to welcoming the new year in the days ahead.
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